Sunday, December 04, 2011

At seven

This is probably the last post that I will have my dad ghost blog for me. (A quick look at the log of posts shows the drop in quality and quantity of posts and I am not going to have my digital footprint be tainted... Also, I heard that he has taken his lack to "quality and quantity" to another blog called PRBS.)

So, to fill you in for the last few years - I am now in second grade at Hoover Elementary (Go Hedgehogs!!). My parents have signed me up for a dizzying array of after-school activities (to keep up with the Joneses .. my dad, added. I need to find out who that Jones is that is putting me through this). I do chess, soccer, French, ballet, gymnastics and swimming now and have dabbled with Bollywood dance and a few other activities that I already forgot. I seriously think my parents are overcompensating for their one-dimensionality.

I still have the occasional tantrum but now that my parents listened to that NPR show on deconstructing tantrums, it is not that much fun anymore... Now, they just wait it out and worse ... they started passing wisecracks on my tantrums like those guys in Mystery Science Theater. I have to evolve to a more elaborate form of emotional blackmail now.

A few of my favorite things are (actually, what I have convinced my parents that my favorite things are) science (nerdy girls rock), French (if only the French can figure out how to pronounce the words they write in English properly), all things starting with an i (iPhone, iPad, iPod), my HKC friends, my ballet and my parents.. (in no particular order :-)

Being a Massachusetts girl, I like winter activities but given that my parents fled Massachusetts, I need to put in an extra effort to convince them that heading to a bone-chilling, snow-clad place voluntarily is actually fun.

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